California DMV Bicycle Rules And Safety
Safety tips and guidelines from the California Department of Motor Vehicles
League Of American Bicyclists
National advocacy organization offers comprehensive information on safe cycling–from basic to advanced technique
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 and is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety. It works daily to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial
California Department Of Transportation (CALTRANS): Bicycle Commuting And Safety
The Bicycle Facilities Unit is responsible for the Caltrans bike program. Acting as the Department’s bicycle advocate, the unit’s objective is to improve safety and convenience for bicyclists. The unit provides policy, funding, planning and technical expertise in bicycle transportation in consultation with federal, state, and local transportation agencies, Caltrans headquarters and District staff, legislative staff, and the public.